
Friday, August 31, 2012

Wait for it...

I have spent most of this calendar year in a waiting phase. With every hurdle that has been thrown my way while waiting it tested my patience but I knew each experience that was presented was there to help me grow. However after months of waiting the payoff has finally begun. I am currently interning at Cressey Performance for the fall. My nerd out levels of how much I am excited to learn from everyone hear is through the roof.

On my way cross country and getting settled in I went on a few small adventures.

First off I am lucky enough to have the greatest family in the world and my mom was kind enough to drive with me to Massachusetts, which was a huge help for the long drive.

We spent a night in Buffalo and even though we were tired from 2 days of driving we made a point to see Niagara Falls. A word of advice to anyone who hasn’t been there, GO! It is every superlative that I can think of and some that I could make up just for it. I can see why a lot of people propose there, hell I almost did, except for that whole part about being in a relationship, and I don’t think one it would have the same effect with a girl I would have met there that day. Kidding aside, it was a great sight to see, and if you are up for it you can even go visit our neighbors to the north and listen to the Beibs in his native country in Toronto.

Over the weekend we met up with family and some friends and got to see a view of Boston from rooftop decks and observational decks. Let’s just say this Midwest boy hasn’t ever seen so many people/cars/buildings all piled on top of each other. Random note, while seeing Boston from the skyscraper I had the revelation that I have drawn part of the Boston skyline while I was in high school, this was of course when I thought I would be designing buildings these days instead of working with people. But it was an interesting revelation nonetheless.

While the thought of moving halfway across the country was a bit intimidating it has been already worth it from everything I have learned in my first week and the adventures I have already gotten to do. Adventures are needed to keep life exciting, otherwise it gets boring and bland, and it shouldn’t be that way.

Go find adventures to make your life exciting both personally and professionally, whether it is visiting a city you haven’t been to, taking a semester abroad, or taking a new job a different city. Whatever the adventure is it will help you become better and more awesome.

Friday, August 3, 2012

Defeating the lizard brain

Earlier this year, by a recommendation in an article by Jon Goodman, I read Seth Godin’s  LINCHPIN:Are You Indispensable? (this book has instantly become one of my favorites) Among the topics in the book Godin talks about the Resistance, or lizard brain, the part of everyone that prevents them from taking a risk, doing an unfamiliar activity, or shipping one’s work. 

Mine is loud, terribly loud. I have trouble quieting it, but I realize it needs to be quieted and I fight back. A lot of people suffer from this and they might not even know it because their lizard brain has been active and winning for so long. There is hope, because as Godin talks about, when the lizard brain starts to feel pressure it fights, but it would much rather run away. Even when you think you have battles won the lizard brain will try and sneak in and try to steal a victory right from underneath your nose. (My lizard brain is currently telling me not to write this post to stay safe and not spread the idea of defeating it.) 

Defeating the lizard brain can be a challenge because it isn’t easy. The lizard brain will win battles, for no matter what reason; too tired, not enough time, get laughed at, it’s a stupid idea, or the biggest reason you might fail. I say fail with style. Once you learn to fail is when you will learn to succeed because failing gives you the tenacity and experience to make sure whatever you are doing succeeds. My lizard brain hates failing. It hates it because I didn’t listen to it in the first place, and I am less likely to listen to it again when I try a different approach.

Your lizard brain is different than mine is, I know how mine works because I fight back. I don’t know how to beat yours, but it is defeatable. Just like everything worthwhile it takes persistence and work.

Some starters
·         Do a new activity that you have always wanted to do but don’t know how
·         Learn a new skill even though it may not be “masculine” or “feminine” in your eyes
·         Go talk to the person who has caught your eye
·         Get yourself to a gym and lift heavy things instead of being stuck on a treadmill
·         Read and research

Godin, Seth (2010) Linchpin: Are you Indispensible? Penguin Group.