
Friday, May 17, 2013

Why not you?

A question  I have asked myself many times is why is there a disconnect between the people who innovate and become an entrepreneur and others who sit by and watch the world go by as they punch in and out at their 9-5 job?

What gives some people the right or gall to start something and what causes others to not launch on anything they want to do and only be the coffee shop dreamer?

In a blog post from my former boss Tony Gentilcore, he wrote about personal trainers "getting comfortable with being uncomfortable." I feel that holds a lot of weight and not just with personal trainers. As a person marketing themselves as their own brand has to be comfortable with rejection due to a myriad of factors that can't be taken personally, even though more often then not they are. It can be a tough task to achieve, because being comfortable is well, comfortable. With the age of news feeds and timelines and reader pages attention spans are getting shorter making it more difficult to get staying power in any business.

As far as internet fitness goes I have heard that it is easier for all the new professionals in the industry because of the wide reach that is available and what knowledge is already floating out around the interwebz. From my perspective it is harder because you have all of the information that is available and has been presented and you have to figure out how to get your small piece of usually what is the already small piece we are all going after. It takes extra creativity and passion to be able to find your niche along the way but it can be done.

So go do it. yes, you.

(If you don't someone else will)

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